Challenge: A high volume paper mill was experiencing constant chute plugging, and leaking
in critical areas, causing wood chips and dust to escape containment. A secondary problem
was chronic belt mis-tracking and material leakage under ill-fitting rubber skirts. Due to the
extreme capacity of this mill and the 24 hour operation, ASGCO® Engineers had only 8 weeks
to take field measurements, design and fabricate a new chute and load zone, and have
everything installed.
Solution: After surveying the conveyor system, ASGCO® recommended a new chute
design to help with the material flow plus Slide-n-Roll® Slider Beds to support the belt.
In addition, the system could greatly benefit from ASGCO®’s Clamp-Mount® Skirtboard
Sealing System with angle support, Dura-Seal® (ORG), 45 durometer skirting rubber
to seal the dust from escaping from the skirting area, and a Hinged V-Plow™ that keeps
any material from getting caught between the tail pulley and the belt. The chute was
redesigned using our 3-DEM® Chute Analysis Program to improve the material flow,
along with installing Safe-Guard® Inspection Doors for quick inspection of the chute
and equipment. The load zone improvements included several Conveyor Dust Curtains
and a Tru-Trainer® Return Idler that would keep the conveyor belt from mistracking
into the tail pulley.
Results: After implementing all of the listed improvements in the tight time period allowed,
the mill is operating at a much higher level of productivity. Chute plugging is no longer a
problem, and dust and debris have been adequately contained. This has greatly reduced
clean up time, and improved safety conditions. Due to the success of this project, the mill
operator has ordered the redesign of additional chutes as well as installing many other
ASGCO® products.