Conveyor Transfer Points / Projects
The performance of transfer chutes is an essential part of the productivity of conveyor belt systems in the bulk solids industry. Transfer point design, fabrication and installations utilizing ASGCO®’s 3-DEM™ (Discrete Element Methods) chute analysis program is a revolutionary way to handle granular and particulate material by streamlining the process from the head pulley until it is deposited onto the receiving conveyor for more deliberate control of the material. 3-DEM™ Transfer Point Design controls the dust by keeping the column of material together so that air does not become entrapped in the material flow, then forced back out carrying dust, when the material is loaded on the receiving belt.
These techniques are easily applied to both existing and new installations, resulting in significant cost improvements and system efficiencies.
Conveyor Transfer Chutes & Transfer Points / Projects
The complete conveying system needs to be evaluated and then a comprehensive design analysis provided to incorporate all of the necessary goals outlined by the customer along with the changes discussed to reduce the airborne dust while continuing to maintain full load capacity.
- Increase Production Capabilities – by helping to eliminate spillage, chute plugging, belt wear, dust control and noise.
- Optimize Life on Conveyor Belt Components – by minimizing impact and top cover wear by using a soft or curved chute loading design.
- Minimize Material Spillage – In the design by center loading the material, load the material at a uniform rate and optimize the material flow in the direction of travel after the belt is fully troughed.
- Reduce the Need for Dust Control and Suppression – by minimizing the dust through loading the material at a uniform rate through a curved or soft loading design, maintaining effective skirting, internal wear liners and dust curtains staggered throughout the loading area.
ASGCO Flo-Control™ Transfer Chutes
ASGCO® Flo-Control™ transfer point solutions solve the problems of material flow from the discharge pulley, through the chute until it reaches the receiving belt.
After analyzing the flow of the material we incorporate a “Hood” deflector as the material leaves the discharge pulley. This “Hood” deflector with adjustment control allows for fine-tuning of the material stream to direct the material for optimum flow. The receiving end or bottom end of the conveyor, ASGCO® utilizes a “Spoon” design to ensure the uniform direction of the material without impact to the chute or the receiving conveyor belt.
Benefits of 3-DEM® Transfer Point Design
and Flo-Control™ Chutes:
- Center load material
- Load material at a uniform rate
- Load in direction of belt travel – (receiving conveyor)
- Load at the same speed the belt is moving – (receiving conveyor)
- Load material with minimum impact
ASGCO® Flo-Control™ transfer point solutions prevent:
- Plugging
- Chute wear and belt wear
- Dust creation
- Material spillage
The new chute can incorporate a hood insert or a complete remodeling of the entire top and bottom of the transfer point. The head chute will direct the material down through a lower Spoon section that will direct the flow in the direction of belt travel and centered on the belt.
A team of certified service technicians, working with our engineering staff, create, fabricate and install all of the components. The new chute and spoon design allows for the material to load directly onto the center of the receiving belt, flowing in the direction of belt travel. Airborne dust and spillage is virtually eliminated with the new chute and spoon.
Flo-Control™ Hood Design Technology
Adjustable material deflector (hood) lined with impact and abrasion resistant wear liners are easily maintained to direct and concentrate the material flow to the center of the chute.
Flo-Control ™ Spoon Design Technology
The adjustable impact and abrasion resistant lined “Spoon” bottom ensures that the material is ‘soft-loaded’ at approximately the same speed as the receiving conveyor, and is also properly center loaded on the conveyor, as well as designed to eliminate any flow restrictions that would cause potential build-up.